Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Excerise #10

 A message that is not consistent:

    Working out is great for your body, it makes you look good. and it make you strong which you can lift heavy things. But, the working out will stress your muscles and will make them weaker by the time so, working out is not good for your body.

an argument that is not logically consistent:

     Most of the Terrorist bombings that happened in the US was by muslims. Any crime it happen there it could be by a muslim, therefore the muslims should be banned from travelling to the US to avoid crimes.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Exercise #9

False premises
1) Netherlands has an average height of 183m for men, tall people are excellent at basketball, therefore they will win the world basketball cup.

2) The traditional dress for men in the UAE is Kandoora, Libya is an arabic country, therefore, their traditional dress is the Kandoora too.

Two wrongs
1) In the exam everyone is cheating, so its okay for me to cheat.
2) My friend is smoking cigarettes, no problem for me to smoke too!

1) All Indians are bad drivers!
2) All of the arabs people love to drink arabic coffee.
3) Black people can't swim. 
4) Black people are criminals and they love to make problems.
5) Arab people are ignorant.
6) Women don't watch football matches.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Exercise #8 False premises

6.13: Yes, the argument is based on sound reasons/ premises that lower production = higher petrol prices.

6.14: No, false premise standing in the rain does not lood to a cold.

6.15: No, false premise because the city is polluted because of them and because of their cars, moving to another place means that they will move their pollution with them.

6.17: Yes, it's a good premise because it explain why does the indian movies spreading worldwide.

6.18: No, false premise because the statics are wrong it does not mean everyone will get married in 20 years! there are children, sick people, poor people, and many other situations, and people die and new babes coming so you can't say that.

6.20: No, false premise because many programs on TV doesn't mean that all of them are good, it could be that all of them are bad.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Exercise #7

Private schools are better at graduating educated generation

    Education is something that everyone considers a priority. And choosing the place that the student will learn in it is very important because it affect on his future and his personality, and in fact it will affect on everything in his life. So the best choice is the private school for your children.

    In the UAE you can see that who comes out from the private school has an academic excellence in many ways for example: the English Language is very strong in private school so the student will be excellent in it and that will help him in getting to the college or the university, and he will understand more because in universities they only teach in English.

    The size of the class really matters for the students to understand more. In private school the size of the class is controlled which is not going of the limit, and the average size of the class is good to make the students understand more and every student will get a special attention from the teacher and that will improve his learning.

    The best way of learning is to depend on yourself doing your home works or doing an exam, the private schools are very strict about cheating and other crimes that the students could do for example: steeling. And they won’t forgive you for this, they will give you extra attention in your studies but they won’t let you cheat, but the system in public school is different. That will make you comfortable about your son in the private school.

    There are higher standards in private schools. For example the student should do a community services before gradation and that is very important to let the students understand more and to let them be qualified for the university. And they should learn one more language beside the English and the Arabic if we are talking about the UAE’s private schools and that will improve their knowledge.

    The private schools are better than the public schools and that is because of the: Academic Excellence, controlled class sizes, emphasis on discipline and the Higher Standards, but not all of the people can offered the money to get their children in a private school so the best thing is to start working on the public schools to let them be as good as the private school.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Exercise #6

Main argument:
The pregnant women and people with a poor immune systems are at  potential risks posed by cats.

Reasons that support the argument:
-Cats are hosts to infectious protozoa that cause disease in mammals such as humans.
-if pregnant women become infected, the foetus can become infected by parasites and suffer serious congenital damage.
-In the worst cases, infants may lose their eyesight and acquire motor deficits.
-In people with poor immune systems or AIDS protozoa can cause seizure and death.

The cats it host infectious protozoa which it affect humans and the problem the disease are not appear in cats.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Exercise #5

Product: New Laptop 

1-Improved attention and observation.
First of all I will observe what kind of laptops the students use in the college because I want a laptop that can last and can handle the work of the college, so I will see my classmates, my friends and family to know what kind of brand is it and how does it look because its important for me, so I finally discovered the lap that I want by observation and it's the apple laptop. 

2-More focused reading.
Of course there are many types of apples laptop so I need to search more about it, there's the mac pro, mac pro with retina, and mac air. and there are tons of videos in the internet that compare between these types and other brand so I will watch them carefully.

3-Improved ability to identify the key points in a text or other message rather than becoming distracted by less important material.
I decided to buy the mac pro with retina, because it's really slim laptop and the charge lasts 9 hours! and the most important thing is that this laptop can handle the hard work that the college needs, and the screen is with retina and these screens are the best in the markets currently and this laptop is the newest laptop so I'd like to have one of these. 

4-Improved ability to respond to the appropriate points in a message.
I will go to the apple shop or any electronics shop to ask about the laptop and what does come with it and compare them and find out which one is the best shop, and to test the laptop in real life and trying to type using the key bored to see if its comfortable or not.

5-Knowledge of how to get your own point across more easily.
I will ask the guy in the shop about the laptop and what is good or bad in it, does a lot of people return it back? are there any discount on this laptop? what extra things or programs I should buy with it? 
6- skills of analysis that you can choose to apply in a variety of situations.
I can use the same step to buy a new smart phone or new electronic device because if want to buy the right thing for you, you should go from step one to five. 

Exercise #4

Barriers to Critical Thinking

1.     Misunderstanding what is meant by criticism.
Criticism is when you comment on something or somebody in a bad way or in a negative way, saying the bad stuff and the problem and forget about the good side or the side that the critic see, and some people misunderstanding the mean of the criticism and take it in the negative way. 
For example: If I tell my friend to buy a new laptop because his lap is old and can’t handle the college works and could break down in the middle of the exam he will say that I’m not a windows fan and I’m an apple boy, which makes no sense because I didn’t say anything about the brand and he misunderstand what is my point.

2.     Lack of methods and strategies.
Lack of methods is when you don’t know much about something and how to do it and you don’t have the steps of doing it you will end up failing in doing it. 
For example: if you didn’t know the steps of solving a mathematics equation you won’t be able to solve it.

3.    Lack of practice.
Lack of practice is when you have knowledge about doing something and maybe you have done it long time ago but in the current time you can’t do it as good as in the past because you need to practice on doing it. 
For example: If I got an equation from Calculus I, I won’t be able to solve it even though I studied this course last semester, I need to practice again. 

4.     Reluctance to criticize those with more expertise.
This is a problem happen when a less experience guy wants to say his opinion but the other guy is higher level than him so he’s scared or respect his level and keep his opinion for him self. 
For example: The head of engineers putted a plan for building a machine, and one of the engineers is knew that this plan won’t work but he didn’t say anything about it because the head of the engineers is more experience and he’s in a higher level than him.

5.     Affective reasons.
Affective reasons is when your emotional distract you from your argument, it could add a lot of power to your reasons but most of the time you will lose control and start to be angry. 
For example: a girl will be angry if someone said that her favorite singer doesn’t have the qualifies to be a good singer.

6.     Mistaking information for understanding.
Learning is a way to develop your skills in finding the solutions for the problem and to work hard with your brain to find the answers for your self, and some of the students don’t want to work their brains, the want the solutions and the answers ready for them with no effort from their side. 
For example: In the Math class some of the students want the teacher to solve the equation on the bored instead of solving it by their own which is better because everyone will know where is his weakness and where he’s mistaken.

7.     Insufficient focus and attention to detail.

Critical thinking needs to pay attention to every details and some of the weak critical thinkers give a judgment based on what he generally sees which is totally wrong because in critical thinking you will need to search deeper. 
For example: there’s a crime and one of the suspects is covered with the victim blood and they said that he’s the murderer which could be and couldn’t because they didn’t search and focused more in the case because this is not a really good evidence